
Myth's And Truth's About Body Building

Here i am describing you some of the myths and their truths related to body Building. Due to these myths, You are getting quite confused. so, Don't worry your friend is here to reveal the truths behind these Myth's. So That you can start your body building without any anxiety  Myth #1:   You can lose fat from specific parts of your body by exercising those spots . Truth:  There is no such thing as "spot reduction". When you exercise, you use energy produced by burning fat in all parts of your body - not just around the muscles that are doing most of the work. In fact, your genes may dictate where that fat disappears from, say, your face or arms before your belly, even if you do endless abdominal exercises. However, working a specific region like the belly can have a benefit: Strengthening the muscles can make you look thinner by helping you hold in your gut. Myth #2:   While light exercise does yield some benefits, it is not nearly as beneficial as st...

Resting Factor

Hello Guys ! This is all about rest and recovery of your muscles because a quaqlity sleep is as important as your workout and your diet plan. Resting helps your muscle recover fast. For this you have to take enough nutrients in your diet. For this check out my previous post.  So, Lets us begin Our factors of resting. Elements of Rest and Recovery: 1. Sleep Sleep is the  most important time to recover . Adequate levels of sleep help to provide mental health, hormonal balance, and muscular recovery. You need to get enough sleep, which is  between seven to ten hours  for most athletes. Everyone has individual needs based on their lifestyle, workouts, and genetic makeup.  Hours slept before twelve at night are proven to be more effective than those slept after. Sleep in the most natural setting possible, with minimal to no artificial lights. Wakeup with the sun if possible. Fresh air and cooler temperatures help to improve the quality of slee...

The Diet Plan

Guys ! If you are looking to gain lean muscle mass and a good physique, one of the most important tools you will need muscle without adding fat is following a proper diet plan with a workout plan. In this post i am going to cover out the best among the best diet plans for all of you (For the best workout plans check out my previous post as well). it is very important that you must eat in a time period of approximately 2 - 3 Hours, to keep your metabolism evenly fueled throughout the day. This will help in muscle synthesis and fat burning as well. you definitely had to eat 5 - 6 Meals a day to get faster growth of your muscles that had been damaged in your gym session. If you are looking to Gain Weight or loose your belly Fat(Weight Loss). I am Giving you two different most suitable and effective diet plans for weight Loss / Gain . ------------------------------------------------------------- #Diet Plan For Weight Gain (Vegetarian)   Morning : Prepare a...

The Workout Plan By Harsh Mishra

Hello guys!             I know it is quite confusing for all of us when it comes to select an appropriate workout routine to begin your transformation of yourself or bodybuilding journey.But i am gonna show or give you the best and effective workout plan that is even scientifically proven as well. here i am going to give you a weekly program . And believe me if you foll9ow this for 2-3 weeks you can actually feel a lot of changes to your body shape as well as it will increase your overall without wasting any time let us begin!  Monday- Chest and triceps Chest Exercise: 1. Flat Barbell Bench Press Grasp the bar just outside shoulder-width and arch your back so there’s space between your lower back and the bench. Pull the bar out of the rack and lower it to your sternum, tucking your elbows about 45° to your sides. When the bar touches your body, drive your feet hard into the floor an...

The Physiology Of Muscle Growth By Fitness World

Hey! Guys  I know as a teenager you all need  great personality and a good physique. It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy. You all want to stay fit and look good .And to achieve Your Goals ,You definitely joins a gym and start working out. Days passes, months passes and you stay the same as were at the beginning. And you know what? Why this happens ? Why you aren't get a good body and a good physique. The reason is simple. You don't know the science of body building. But don't worry I am Going to solve your problems right now!  I am  going to give you an effective "Moolmantra" or Key to achieve Success in the world of fitness. I am Going to give you  all an effective workout and diet plan. But before we begin, You should have to understand some topics related to you dream body . Which are as Follows :- The Science Of Muscle Building The workout Plan The Diet Plan Resting Factor #1 The Science Of Muscle Building If you’re...